Lomatia Pavilion


The Lomatia Pavilion is a new venue and storage facility located at the edge of Lomatia Park in Springwood. The pavilion, commissioned by Blue Mountains City Council, is designed to meet the needs of a range of passive and active park users.

View spectator 3.jpg

Principled approach
In partnership with Council and the various park user groups we developed a list of design principles. These principles focused the needs of the users and inform the design process.

  • Design a multi-sided building-in-the-round that balances diverse user- groups and a variety of views.

  • Balance the ability for the pavilion to quickly open up and feel welcoming, against the need for security and graffiti resistance.

  • Acknowledge traditional park pavilion building forms in the provision of a contemporary design that utilises cost- effective and durable materials.

  • The pavilion should be visually engaging and catalyse future park use by the public and growth in club memberships.

View storage doors.jpg
View Picnic.jpg

Project: Lomatia Pavilion
Type: Public
Location: Lomatia Park, Springwood, NSW
Client: Blue Mountains City Council
Year: 2016
Area: 350 sqm gross floor area
Services: SK, DD
Team: A RAW Architects project - Adam Russell (Director), Holly Julian, Prudence Duncan
Project code: 1611


Island House


Artworks on Paper