
Yalwal is a residential modifications and improvements project located in Camperdown and lodged for DA with Inner West Council in March 2022. As with much of our work, our design process leans on the imperatives of the Living building Challenge and its inherent systems-thinking framework.

The organisation of the existing dwelling is unique. A central cart way splits the ground plan in two and connects the rear garden with the street.

Our design programs one side of the plan with the living functions of the home and the other side with two work-from-home spaces separated by a library. Large glazed doors slide away on the weekends opening up a step-free connection that transects the plan.

A careful structural approach to the original building (circa 1870) will resolve rising damp, reactive soil movement and existing structural damage. To counteract the limiting thermal performance of the historic cavity-free brickwork, widows and doors are double-glazed with recycled hardwood frames.

The primary new element is a north-facing kitchen and dining pavilion at the rear. This pavilion provides a zoned refuge of high-performance, sun-filled living that is thermally isolated from the rest of the house.

A new and extensive roof garden provides over 25 sqm of outdoor space, accessed from the bedroom level. This 'green roof' markedly improves thermal performance by providing thermal mass, insulation and shading.

When combined with deep soil planting at ground level, gardens will provide a strong connection with the cycles of nature. Planting opportunities abound for edible gardens, shading vines and bird and insect attracting bushfood shrubs and groundcovers.

Overall floor space on the site is increased by less than 10%.

Project: Yalwal - Modifications and improvements
Type: House
Description: Stabilisation and renovation of 1870’s house with new living pavilion and lean-to beneath extensive roof top gardens
Location: Camperdown, NSW
Client: Private
Year: 2022
Area: GFA 183.0 sqm
Services: Full service
Team: Adam Russell (RAW Architects)
Collaborators: Sacha Coles (Landscape) , Matt Devine -(Heritage), SDA Structures (Structural)
Project code: 2013


Simon’s 50th


Helio House